Our services.

XCell Laboratories offers Clinical Cytogenetics and Molecular Cytogenetics testing, including routine chromosome analysis (karyotyping), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and Microarray. We offer testing for inherited (constitutional) disorders including birth defects, infertility, and abnormal sexual development, as well as neoplastic disorders of hematopoietic cells and solid tumors.

Cytogenetics is a powerful tool to assess for genetic aberrations, giving a helicopter view of the whole genome by allowing the detection of major abnormalities at the 5 Mb resolution level. Complementing conventional karyotyping, FISH is offered with specific nucleic acid probes that can identify disease-characteristic abnormalities to help confirm certain diagnoses and assess prognoses.

XCell Laboratories offers a breadth of cytogenetics services in the state of Hawaii and brings testing closer to the patient and to improve care.

Microarray Profile is a technique that covers the entire genome at a resolution higher than FISH and cytogenetics allowing for a detection of subtle changes in prenatal disorders, postnatal disorders, hematologic disease and solid tumors.